Saturday, August 14, 2010

New YouTube Video, And a Couple of GREAT Websites

Hi Everyone!

My summer has been so busy and full of work that I have been EXTREMELY negligent when it comes to my blog and my vintie friends, and I am really having withdrawal pains! With two kids getting ready to start back to college, three dogs, a duck, and a busy medical transcription biz, my vintage jewelry has taken a back seat. But today I did something fun and exciting for my stores, and I wanted to share.

I created a video! The program is located at, and I thank Lora from the Vintage Village for the info about it. It's a wonderful, easy to use program that is FREE (or there is a premium version, though I used the free one). I hope you will check out my video when you get a chance!

Also, I have also discovered another wonderful helpful website called - also free, and just wonderful for creating avatars and banners! Many thanks to Kim of LilacsNDreams for the information on this wonderful website! I encourage anyone to check them out!

Thanks again to anyone who takes the time to read my blog - I appreciate it!

Leesa (waalaa)